EuroRanch Weblog
vague updated weblog and mp3-files by klaus makotter

Friday, March 31

posted by
at 5:35:48 PM
Apropos Yo La Tengo
The experimental and alternative folkrock band Yo La Tengo has released a gret album this year: And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out. Check out the mp3-samples, they have arranged some beats nowadays! And what a fortune: Yo La Tengo is on tour at the moment and they are coming to Europe in April. [tourdates april, mai]

posted by
at 2:36:19 PM
You have read something about that guy and his latest album "Vodoo" in your newspaper or in a magazine? Heard something about him at your radiostation? You wanna see his body? Ok - eat it! So, and now you wanna see and hear more? Ok - have a real videoclip of a live-performance. But that´s no reason to write bullshit like spex does: "Ist man in Ruhe allein, kann man mühelos zu den Falsettmelodien seines Gesangs balancieren und im Takt der Rimshots weiterziehen, wie auf dem Kraterrand eines stillen Vulkans, bis man wieder beim Bass ankommt."

posted by
at 2:15:27 AM
Jad Fair + Yo La Tengo
Pitchforkmedia is reporting that the world of movies has turned its camera on Half Japanese (the band of Jad Fair). Don't care a pap for that. More interesting is the report about "Strange But True", an album (22 tracks!) he did with Yo La Tengo - what a nice combination. I saw some concerts of Jad Fair in vienna a few years ago. Very crazy. Two strings were broken after the second song for the whole concert and he didn´t even (want to) notice it. After the concert he was playing two more songs just for me and a friend - unplugged, with an e-guitar! [Short mp2-samples of this album on cdnow]
Thursday, March 30

posted by
at 2:50:32 PM
musik informations centrum austria
Kurz: mica. "'Information im Musikzeitalter' steht für das mica im Mittelpunkt seiner Arbeit als zentrale Schnittstelle des zeitgenössischen Musikschaffens und -lebens in Österreich." Also wieder mal welche, die zentrale, virtuelle Schnittstelle sein wollen. Jedenfalls widtmete sich das Symposion micafocus vom 17./18.3 einer interessanten Themenstellung: mica focus mp3 recordings - reales Musikschaffen für einen virtuellen Markt. Dort gaben angeblich internationale Experten "Impulse für den sparten- und berufsgruppenübergreifenden Diskurs über Kernthemen der Kunst heute und stellen sich den dringenden Fragen der Gegenwartsmusik." Alles über mp3-streams anzuhören. Dabei waren u.a. Richard Pettauer (Libro), Friedemann Kawohl (Musikwissenschaftler), Sascha Kösch (de-bug Berlin), Dr. Margaretha Mazura (European Multimedia Forum Brüssel). Director von mica ist übrigens Peter Rantasa (rhiz).
Wednesday, March 29

posted by
at 9:30:25 PM
Apropos ...besser als vorm spiegel tanzen
The Beastie Boys have released their latest video, "Start", exclusively in QuickTime format. The song and video appear on the "Alive" import single. It deals with nothing else than a man (Miho Hatori of Cibo Matto) dancing in front of a mirror. Read more on, where I found this video and who broadcast an assfull (soll heissen: arschvoll) of mp3s daily.
Tuesday, March 28

posted by
at 9:10:20 PM
The new messageboard is quite new now!
So, I have got a new messageboard again and it´s my own now (onw/won/...). The old one was not handsom enough. And the very old one ... When will come the next one?
Unfortunately I am a little bit swamped with the perl-script. I did not succeed yet in configuring the script so that date and time are included in the postings. I am recuring me: If anybody is a bit familiar with perl and possibly able to help me, it would be extremely kind if you do so:

faster download of the mp3s
As I can use the tiv-server again I have uploaded the mp3s to there again. Downloads should be much faster than from t0 (public netbase). Nevertheless, thank you Sven for accomodating me with some webspace.

posted by
at 12:35:50 PM
...besser als vorm spiegel tanzen!
Claudis Partykeller. Sometimes it takes me a long time to get the hang of some things. Partykeller is the weblog of the very and special Claudi. Which Claudi? Our Claudi! Famous for her excellent webdesign and from helma. And when you have a look at "her" futurezone you will get an idea from whom I have stolen. Nice greetings to Hamburg, Claudi.

posted by
at 11:18:44 AM
Daily new - daily pretty
Mr Langreiter, the tirolian webrocker aeh weblogger, is not only a spirited surfer and scanner of the net and knows everybody and every new evolution, he went also to the beauty-salon with his weblog recently. Very pretty. Sehr hübsch. Sprekken Sie Deutsch? No? What a pity. Langreiter daily is a german-language-weblog.
Monday, March 27

posted by
at 6:37:05 PM
hi there!
I´d like to install a new guestbook. I want to run it with a perl-script in my own scgi-bin. I got it running with the guestbook of Matt´s Script Archive but have some problems with configuration. I can´t get the date into the postings. Is anybody of you out there a bit familiar with such "easy" scripts and wants to help me a bit? So call me please!
Friday, March 24

posted by
at 12:00:34 PM
At in Dave Winer´s large, wide userland you can register your weblog and have banner-sharing with others, also registered at these sites. That results in some kind of a weblog-ring. (Look at the right bottom of this site!) Mine was produced by Verena. I want to say thank you for that and present the banner:

posted by
at 10:42:10 AM
business as usual
Weil die kommende Woche nix, aber auch schon gar nix passiert, was jetzt musikalisch interessant wäre, geb ich mal nen ganz anderen Tip ab: Felix Malnig (ex Wohnungskollege von der Sandi Wachter) bemalt die glatten Seiten von durchsichtigen Noppenfolien mit - der Falter sagt alltäglichen Motiven. Ich sag, die Motive sind mindestens genauso reizvoll und besonders wie die Bilder selbst. Hab nämlich schon welche gesehn (nicht nur Noppenfolienbilder) und war total begeistert, so ungefähr: Das muss ich haben wollen.
Seine Arbeiten sind am Freitag den 25. März einen ganzen Abend (ach wie) lang unter dem Titel "business as usual" zu sehen. Atelier Ceska Priesner Architektur, 6., Nelkeng. 4/5. Tel.: 5874894. Kann man ja vielleicht anschliessend in´s Jenseits schaun, wenn s nicht noch zu früh ist.

Und für den Samstag kann ich im rhiz noch den Hewoja empfehlen. Der legt irgendwie sehr "cool" und auch abwechslungsreich auf. So zum Mitwippen für die jungen Leut.

Tuesday, March 21

posted by
at 10:17:23 PM
usounds is a fanzine with lots of music-news and also with a huge archive of mp3-links. You realy can finde a lot there and it´s also good taste choice. E.g.: Beck, Underworld, Mouse on Mars and many more. Of corse they also broadcast what I woul call commercial shit (like air) but not that much. I think they do not store the mp3s themselve but are linking directly. They also give a good overlook about labels, mp3-stores and fanzines. What I do not like: They are writing bullshit whenever they talk about themselve cause they think they are that cool that your cigarette is dieing down in front of the screen.
Got this tip via email from a guy called Alex. Don´t know if I know him but thank you Alex.
update: EuroRanch has been mentioned at their daily news today (25.03.2000)

posted by
at 2:22:12 AM
Complimets on NetDyslexia
The guys of NetDyslexia reminded me and Tobi of the wonderful times of the last summer we had by grabbing out a picture of the helmaarchive. They also expressed their respect for EuroRanch. They are musicfans themselve (sexyjazz) and maybe we can arrange a DJ-exchange with Jena and maybe we can also arrange a band-exchange. Na Tangoboys, wie wär´s?
Monday, March 20

posted by
at 11:04:55 PM
The Fuzzi-Navigation - Poll!
I noticed that visitors are very rarely surfing from the startsite to the mp3-files. If you want, compare the statistics of the weblog with mp3. I wonder if the navigation is big shit. Fact is that I first made one site and did not need any navigation. When I needed one the upper left corner was the only place left. Would you tell me in a poll what you think?

update: The poll is closed. The question was: Do you think that the usability of the navigation is clear enough ore should it be redesigned? The Results. The participation was enormous ;-) anyhow it was perspicuous: The navigation will have been changed when you read this. (One of the "clear enough" was me)

Sunday, March 19

posted by
at 7:31:39 PM
Labradford im B72 - heute!!!
Und wenn mich der Finkthomas gestern nicht erinnert hätte, hätte ich das Konzert überhaupt und ganz versäumt. So, das heisst heute noch mal raus und gib ihm, weil Labradford soll ja schon ein Erlebnis sein. Und beschrieben wird´s auf Konketsu etwa so: " a multi-dimensional Brian Eno meeting Ennio Morricone's astral projection." oder: " dramatically, like a sci-fi spaghetti western set in the sixth dimension." Lustig, nicht (funny, isn´t it)? Mehr Information und MP2-Hörproben fü jene, die´s genau wissen wollen.
update: sehr schön, sehr langsam (aber zu langsam zum Einschlafen) und den Wolfi aus Graz (der selbe wie 4 tables weiter unten) am Häusl getroffen.
Saturday, March 18

posted by
at 12:48:01 AM
OK, EuroRanch is a modification of the songtitle Euro Trash Girl
As it was mentioned by the official Eurotrash Mission at the messages (thanks for the news) I have to concede that the FSK-song (or is the original from Cracker?) is responsible for the name of these sites. I take this chance to present the wonderful guitar-version from Cracker: Euro Trash Girl.MP3 3,8MB

posted by
at 12:05:14 AM
Young, painful and slow
Yetserday was the cd-presentation of aber das leben lebt at the rhiz. "Sorrow Beat" is the name of their latest production. It takes a while to understand what´s it all about, but after some tries you might get it.
[samples from Sorrow Beat] [review] order at
Friday, March 17

posted by
at 9:19:57 PM
Frauenfeste - Samstag, 18. März
Morgen lassen sich alle möglichen Frauen im Bekanntenkreis befeiern. Barbara fürs Wegfahren, Ingeborg fürs Älterwerden und die Jutta fürs Wieder-mal-in-Wien-Sein. Die ersten beiden ganz offiziel im Schikaneda in der Maragetenstrasse. Letztere eher privat. Also wohin?
Thursday, March 16

posted by
at 7:00:53 PM
How slow can the metronome go?
Some weeks ago I have been talking and searchin around for Low, a band from Minnesota. Today, while having lunch, I mentioned it to a good friend (Wolfgang Winkler). He grabbed into his bag and took out the latest Low-cd "Secret Name". It´s that simple. [mp3-samples] [review]
Wednesday, March 15

posted by
at 8:54:44 PM
Tangoboys strikes again
I think that Tangoboys is more than ever the best combo in austria at the moment. Their combination of classical band-music and electronic is congenial. "memphis_ep", their latest production, is coming out now. It´s a 10inch-record in a limited edition (100 copies) with 7 tracks on it. All of them are terrific - smart, groovy, a hit. Sven from the Tangoboys handed a promotion cd on me this afternoon and also availabled his webspace to me till I can use the tiv-server again.
Some of the tracks are broadcasted as mp3-samples. Check this out (Jack die Sau)! [order at]
Tuesday, March 14

posted by
at 6:57:32 PM
Aber das Leben lebt im rhiz - Donnerstag 17. März
"Sorrow Beat" heisst die zweite CD von aber das leben lebt, un diese werden sie kommenden Donnerstag im rhiz vorstellen. Einschläfernde Frechheiten im positivsten Sinne, Tragödien, die kein Mitleid wollen, altmelancholische Jünglinge und ähnlicher Beschreibungsnotstand fällt mir dazu ein. Tip: früh genug kommen um einen gemütlichen Sitzplatz zu ergattern, die erste halbe Stunde selbstlos ertragen und dann kommt´s irgendiwe schön langsam.
Fritz Ostermayer legt übrigens auf. Hymnen die wehtun, nehm ich mal an.

posted by
at 12:29:06 PM
No EuroRanch MP3-files from the tiv-server
As the mailserver from tiv (where most of my mp3s are uploaded) has got a new system, some sections are not working properly right now (means: download does not work). Please be patient! If the server will not be re-elevated I will find another solution.
update: download is working again! Leider hab ich - noch immer wegen der Umbauarbeiten - keine Möglichkeit zum upload. Wer möchte mir vorübergehend ein bisschen webspace und einen ftp-Zugang zur Verfügung stellen? Bitte melden:
Monday, March 13

posted by
at 2:27:11 PM
Pension Millefiori is also accommodating hey
Sven from the Tangoboys has also (me too) downloaded self-html and built a website ("wir haben quellcodes zersägt und uns ein schiff gebaut"). A limited edition (100 copies) of their new 10inch will be out soon and a promotion-cd in my postbox.
The boys are also accomodating hey who´s new cd L`Elephant Cruel (a hey-o-hansen production) is ready now [prelisten]. You can find tracks of both of them at the mp3-site.

posted by
at 5:03:02 AM
Also the messages are new
EuroRanch has got a new Messageboard today. It´s a free guestbook service by alx and I think it´s a fine and simple tool. It has no banners and the editing-possibilities are quite ok.
Saturday, March 11

posted by
at 7:40:46 PM
ALPINE CDM-7835RB It makes the sound in my car for two days now. You think a good sound is not that important and that only teenagers are occupied with such things? You are right!

posted by
at 7:09:32 PM
Sites have changed (Die Zeiten haben sich geändert)
As these sites are experimental ones (Weil ich mich einen Scheiss auskenne), i trie different design and i made the weblog-site the startsite now (probier ich so lange rum, bis gar nichts mehr passt). MP3-files can be achieved by the navigation in the upper left corner (Musik nur noch über die Fuzzinavigation links oben). Messages are not realy working for some weeks now because the gifs for "new topic" and "answer" have been deleted by Tobi on our (Ich habe im Moment keine Lust die messages zu reparieren). The items "about" and "links" will come real soon (Wer mehr wissen will kann noch ewig warten).

posted by
at 1:56:44 AM
Tuesday, march 14th - Eurotronic Ranch at the Kunsthalle
Living CD-changer: Makotter. Yes, that´s me and you can get an idea of which kind of music is to be expected there if you listen to my MP3-files. That means: nothing realy new or special but sometimes a strange mixture between alternative country and electro, between slow motion from Muskogee and MunicDisco, between Ranch and Eurotronic.
Wednesday, March 8

posted by
at 8:48:26 PM
Saturday, march 11th - Themepark at the rhiz
Charly Fluch (one of the two DJs) writes: der THEMENPARK schlägt wieder zu: nachdem, obwohl der fasching seit heute vorbei ist, kein ende unserer kasperle-regierung abzusehen ist, widmet sich der eher weltlich liberal ausgerichtete THEMENPARK dieser leidigen aufgabenstellung. und zwar weniger als explizit politische lehrstunde, sondern als versuch anhand gewisser gefühle transportierender musik denn beweis anzutreten, dass man als nazitrottel einfach weniger spass hat. und das soll auch so bleiben. politische bildung wird trotzdem kein fehler sein, wenn es wieder gilt, antworten auf total schwere fragen von christian schachinger und mir gegen total (naja...) super geschenke einzutauschen.
Update: I have been there. My head is still concreted (haben womöglich böse Menschen Rausch in mein Bier gemischt) but it was a very nice night with lots of friends and strangers.

archive [january] [february]